As a manufacturer, we understand the opportunity we have to make a significant impact on the environment through improving sustainability.
From reviewing engineering processes to how we heat and light our facilities, Bowmill is committed to making precision engineering fit for the future. And in our drive to reduce our impact on the environment, no detail is too small.
Each day we look at how we work and challenge every aspect, asking how we can reduce our energy consumption and move away from materials which pose a threat to our ecosystem.
- 100%
- LED lighting throughout Bowmill's facilities
- 50%
- Reduction in energy consumption
- 27.8 Tonnes
- CO2 less created each year

We have already made some significant steps forward in reducing the environmental impact of our operations.
Waste materials from our manufacturing processes are mimimised through our product methods and recovered and recycled where possible, while the use of single-use plastics has been replaced by recycled cardboard. And our supply chain partners have been highly motivated to be involved in Bowmill’s waste reduction objectives; suppliers deliver items packaged using cardboard, while customers are encouraged to return packaging for re-use.
Our focus on improving sustainability will continue. We are investigating potential solar installation at our Poole facility and moving towards electric vehicles in a bid to reduce our reliance on carbon-generated power.
It’s a journey we all must take to help achieve a better world. We must constantly embrace a new challenges to reduce our footprint until we reach our goal to become a Net Zero partner in your supply chain.
Contact us
Whether you are looking to improve your manufacturing supply chain or curious about joining our Apprentice Programme, we always have a warm welcome and time to hear from you.